Sunday, March 2, 2008


a prophecy fulfilled
Maria Natal, member
of Zarephath Christian Church-Ministerio Hispano
Pastor Abel Espada

Hoy great it is when you go to sleep after a tiring eight hour work day plus extra hours because mothers who have a husband and children and come home to do house work these are extra hours. It’s as if you had what the Americans call a “part-time” that is to say an extra job the only difference being that you don’t earn extra money but instead you lose extra energy. Right now I am not working, not because I don’t want to but because where I worked closed down. But since God has a plan for his children, I am calm waiting in the Lord for something to appear when He decides it is time to return again to the work force. In the meantime, the Lord tells me to relax that time will come, in the meantime I have a little job for you. Live one day at a time calm and trust in me you have worked a lot, take it as rest. But since it’s been a long time, Lord what I am going to do? I ask. How am I going to use my time? I thought of many ways to use my time. While still serving the Lord, I saw a lot television, bought celebrity magazines and watched a lot of “shows” on tv. But like the Bible says, sometimes our thoughts aren’t God’s thoughts. Read Isaiah 55:8. God had designed a plan for me very different to the plan which I had formed in my mind.

When Jesus told me “you will not die” after being diagnosed with an aggressive cancer, I asked the Lord while prostrated on the floor in my room that if I was going to die then at least save my soul. Because I learned that when a person doesn’t serve the Lord and is in sin and dies the soul of that person is lost because they didn’t repent before dying and I was in sin. I turned back after serving Him for twenty one years and decided to take a “short vacation” from the Lord and I didn’t hear the voice of God calling me to repentance. I played deaf so that the Lord would think I didn’t hear his voice but that voice followed me many years in my wandering through the world. The Lord rescued me from so many things but I didn’t see it because my heart had hardened. How patient is Jesus! How merciful is he and how rebellious I was. How great a love for sinners who like me walked without faith and hope, but that’s why Jesus hasn’t come yet for his people. Giving the world (that like me at one time walked without faith and hope) an opportunity to repent from their sin and come to Him before it’s too late. God’s patience is immense but if we remain stubborn in not obeying his call we have to watch out for that. Our hearts get hardened when years pass and we don’t obey his call. That’s why the Bible says in Hebrews 4:8, “…Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” don’t allow rebelliousness to harden your heart but that isn’t what the Lord wanted. He had a “little job for me”. The Holy Spirit began to move me to pray and wait and to ask the Lord, Why did you heal me? Why did you leave me in the land of the living? Psalm 116:9 This Psalm He gave me when He told me that He had healed me of cancer that day prostrate on the floor. Verses 1 and 2 explain everything. It is the response God expects from us, those in whose lives God has worked with mercy and love. It’s not worth mentioning that in my ignorance I questioned God. Dear reader don’t do it, God isn’t questioned for anything. He does things the way He wants to and when He wants to. In this case there was a Godly plan. I said, Lord I want a life with purpose and yes there was a purpose in my life. One day while singing at church I understood my purpose. We sang, Lord renew me, have your way in me. I sang it to Him with all my heart, my heart burned that day and God saw that groan in my heart. In that instant I understood why He healed me. I made it my purpose to look for Him in Spirit in truth. I asked him to completely renew me and to do his will in me but to tell me exactly how would I begin to do his will. Various days followed and those days turned into months and I didn’t know He was going to use me. I said perhaps I’ll go church to church telling my testimony and the Lord would save souls that way. That would be good but to what church would I go? I thought perhaps I’ll evangelize house to house. But it’s so cold! I said. This country is really different than other countries like Puerto Rico, Honduras or Santo Domingo where its warmer. Then I said I have never traveled anywhere, where am I going to go Lord? What am I going to do with all that the Lord is giving me? I continued seeking God and praying a lot and little by little Jesus my Savior would guide me. I began to read the scriptures and to ask the Lord for Wisdom and began to pray for Wisdom with wisdom. I begged the Holy Spirit to teach me to pray and He began to give me fluency ad to wait for what the Spirit would intercede to the Father for me. The Bible says in Romans 8:26-27 “…the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.” I still didn’t know what was God’s will. I repeat I know that He healed me and that there was a purpose but what was I going to do from here on? That I didn’t know. With the help of the Holy Spirit and by way of many revelations and dreams I finally knew what His perfect will was.

How great it is to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Someone once asked me how is it that the Holy Spirit talks to people? Mature Christians still have not experienced those beatufiful moments of conversation with the Holy Spirit. Those moments with the Holy Spirit I now would not change them for anything. Learn how to speak with the Holy Spirit let Him guide you and stimulate you to seek and serve the Lord with more strength each day. Have a close relationship with the Holy Spirit and I assure you that your life will have purpose and you’ll know what is the Lord’s perfect will in your life. The Holy Spirit is best help that you can have when you are weak. We are weak by nature and the Lord knows this. That’s why when we ask for help the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness and helps us pray how we ought to. The Holy Spirit wants to make us better people. One in the Father and Son, the Holy Spirit transforms us to love those lost souls and our families that still have not accepted the Lord and to see them as He sees them, with weaknesses, faults and with desire to change their way of life but they can’t do it because they haven’t learned to look for that help that by the grace of God we have been born again have. We therefore with the help of the Holy Spirit go to Jesus to intercede to take us to the Father and to forgive them and by our intercession many souls will be saved. I was praying to the Lord to help me see people the way He sees them. I pray for souls and it hurts me that they would die without salvation and everytime I am praying for them I remember the scenes of a movie I saw with my daughter. There were scenes of a disobedient daughter who was on the verge of dying because she was looking for the boy she liked in the place she thought he was going to be but he was somewhere else (a church youth group activity). She had a car accident and by mistake she was shot at and while she was bleeding to death, the Lord took her to hell and she saw what happens and what you suffer when you go to that scary place. The Lord had a purpose with her life because she saw with her own eyes that hell and not like some people who deny its existence, but she survived and she learned that disobedience is a sin and later began to record her testimony and mailed it to everyone who was with her at the time of the accident so that they wouldn’t suffer what she suffered when she was about to die and traveling through that place of torment. I said thank you Lord because I have learned to see people how You see them and by way of these technological means that can reach many, many souls can be saved by way of what the Holy Spirit gives and reveals to those who make it their purpose to seek you in Spirit in truth. But the Holy Spirit told me that I still had much to learn about man to continue interceding with much power, because He looks at the heart and not the outside. That I have to pray no matter their condition or the color of their skin. To see people like He sees them, beautify with precious souls. That our sight be crystal and clear only looking at the inside and forgetting exterior which in the end will disintegrate, will disappear. And those of us who have a little more knowledge of the scriptures and are little stronger pray for those who are weaker and to learn from Christ who is the example of the conduct we should follow for weak and strong Christians.

I was praying and the Holy Spirit ministering to me when I began remembering scenes of a dram I had four years ago wherein I saw myself observing the sky in my yard in the back of my house. I saw the sky very black and later it turned red and I got so scared and I remembered that I read somewhere that the sky would turn black and later red, something like that. I looked in the Bible and read Revelation 6:12. Later I saw people running to and fro and people who weren’t Hispanic. People of different nationalities terrified. I began to scream, the Lord has come to take his people. I saw an Indian man who stayed staring at me and I looked at him scared but I continued running and I kneeled in a spot and began to ask God for forgiveness and to not leave me here on earth. I gave the testimony in the church where I was member of and one of the sisters there told prophesized that I would be preaching to many people. I thought about it and doubted, I had no idea that what the Holy Spirit was reminding me of now was the prophecy that the sister gave me four years back and that now the Holy Spirit was telling me this was the answer to my question, Why did you leave me in the land of the living? It’s been two weeks that the Lord moved me to fix this computer that was broken and to open a web page to tell the lost souls Jesus’ message so that they are without excuse when He comes to rescue his people. The Lord is closer than we think. Dear Reader if you read this testimony, all that I have said is the truth, it is the word of God for you and for all those who have been touched by this message. Prepare yourself no one neither the day nor the hour. Matthew 24:36. That’s why we have to be ready so that day doesn’t take us by surprise. We want to go with him right? But what about those people who walk without faith and hope, what about them? What are we going to do so they don’t go to eternal torment? We aren’t going to preach to them? We aren’t going to give them freely what we have freely received? When I was in this project of how am I going to work and how the Lord was going to use me to rescue souls from the devil’s grip I asked myself how would I start to preach? I didn’t even have an idea how to begin speaking to the masses. I have never preached in church with exception of a few things hear and there in the church I used to go. One day while I was washing dishes and listening to a worship song, the singer spoke about how a larva transforms into a butterfly in that moment I felt a beating so strong in my heart that told me write everything that I tell you. I began to write and it looked like an invisible hand was guiding me, that same hand that has me writing this message. That same beating in my heart, the feeling of the Holy Spirit in my heart, a flame that burns my heart in this moment. It is the Holy Spirit that is moving my hand that won’t let me stop writing. There is so much to say and so many souls that will be saved with this message. Jesus told his disciples in Mathew 9:37-38, “. . .The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Obeying this calling I am putting myself at the gap for those people will die without salvation, with the intercession ministry of my church and obeying the Holy Spirit when he stirs me to write messages like this one. If somebody has been touched, search for a place to serve the Lord and I will continue interceding for you until the rapture of the saints happens. May God bless you greatly.

-Hija de Dios
-translated by Marycelis

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever

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