Monday, February 4, 2008


Through the course of my years (that are many) even though it may not look like it I have heard to exhaustion the phrase: God did not listen me when. . . Why do these things happen in the world? There are so many calamities in the world. Mothers who lose their children, children who lose their parents in frightening accidents, marriages that went to the altar with so much illusion, destroyed. I never imagined that this would affect me so much, it was something so natural. But now that the Lord has awoken the ministry of intercession in me, I have noticed that there is a lot of need in this world. There are so many souls that walk in this life from one side to the other without faith and hope, sad, downcast, so depressive that wind up committing suicide because they don’t find the solution to their problems. There is no peace in their heart, they are empty of God. God will fill all of that emptiness that is in you, if you accept him in your life as your only and exclusive Savior. That’s why you, friendly reader, are included in our daily intercession because you are one of these souls in need and God wants to draw you to him with ties of love and mercy. We are praying so that these souls in need can be saved before it’s too late. The Lord wants us to come to repentance. While we are in this life, there will always be an opportunity, after we are dead everything will have finished and there will be no opportunity for salvation. The Bible says in Isaiah 55:6: Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. (NIV). This means that today is the day of salvation. Do not stop please continue reading God is speaking to you today.

I lost my baby that died at birth. I lost my parents, my in-laws, a sister, a brother in law, a nephew and three sister in laws. I said, I am being left alone. I sat down and analyzed all this and I cried and I asked myself this question: Why do these things happen? The ones that are still alive in my family are sick. One or the other will die within a year if God doesn’t do a miracle in their lives and heal them. But they have to repent first. Why you ask? Because the Bible says so in Mark 1:15: "The time has come,". . . "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" (NIV). What this means is simply follow Jesus to be able to reach salvation. “And why do I have to repent?” some people say, maybe even you have said this. I don’t drink, don’t smoke, I am faithful to my wife, I love my children and my neighbor. You are a model of virtues, but the Bible says otherwise like I previously cited. You may be as good as you want but if you do not repent of your sins and live a life pleasing to God, your soul will be lost. The Apostle Peter preached this message of salvation in Acts 3:19: Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, (NIV). This means receive the forgiveness and oversight of your sins by way of conversion, that is to say accepting Jesus as your Savior and you will enjoy the refreshing presence of God in your life. This same message I am preaching it to you today because I have received it from the Lord for you. Don’t think about it any longer, believe in Jesus, He loves you. John 3:16. Many people say, “but I believe and I pray to God but he doesn’t listen.” Have you asked yourself why is it he doesn’t listen? The barriers around you don’t let him hear you. Have you been to the airport? There are lots of barriers that don’t allow you to listen to the one next to you. The same thing happens with God, he’s constantly talking to us and calling us to do what is right but the barrier of sin, disbelief that is in our hearts do not allow us to hear the voice of God. And because of these same barriers of sin, God cannot hear you when you call and later you say God doesn’t listen. The barrier of self-sufficiency doesn’t let you hear the voice of God. Many say, I can do it alone I don’t need anybody. Anybody is anybody including God. We cannot do things ourselves. God always has to be in our vocabulary. Without him we cannot breath, walk, live. God always has to be in our lives. What place are you giving Him? How can he hear us if we take him out of our lives and our hearts? If we allow sin to part us from God there will be a barrier between God and us. The barrier of sin. You have to repent of your sins, if you say you are good and don’t sin then you are already sinning because the Bible says something totally different than what you are thinking. Read 1 John 1:8-9. You want God to listen to you? Then repent of your sins (iniquities) and he will hear you. Psalm 66:18, 19, 20. If you want more proof read this verse: Isaiah 59: 2: But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. (NIV). This clearly says God doesn’t listen to the sinner but if he were to repent, this one he will hear. Let him take away those barriers of sin that are in you and in this instant ask God for forgiveness, look for a place where you can congregate and your life will change completely like mine changed and God will give you all the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4. If this message has touched you, pray with me: Lord Jesus, I recognize that I am a sinner, I repent of my sins. I want you to come into my heart and be able to listen to my desires. Clean me and cleanse me with your precious blood and write my name in the Book of Life. Guide me so that I will never part from your ways. Thank you Jesus for listening to me. May God bless you.

Message for you friendly reader, on behalf of God.

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